Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Man Who Cried

Last night I didn't feel like going to bed yet and it was about 11pm, so I decided to watch one of the movies I got from netflix. The man who cried was about an hour and forty minutes long so it was perfect. I sat in the dark and watched this movie and cried pretty much the whole time. The story is good. I enjoyed the actors, but it was the music that murdered me. Through the entire thing, I was spellbound. If I had more than 11$ at the moment the soundtrack would be mine.

PS Johnny Depp is in the movie and he says maybe 4 full sentences. But he stands there and looks pretty a lot, which is okay with me too. I love Cate Blanchett in this too.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Equilibrium is a movie starring the beautiful Christian Bale. It was so good that i had to watch it twice back to back. It's set in a future where human emotion is outlawed. People are given drugs to make them not feel. There are people who oppose this and they are the outlaws. Then there are the Cleric. They are specially trained to find and eradicate these outlaws. Christian Bale plays one of these clerics who accidentally goes off his meds and starts to feel. The story is pretty great and the acting is wonderful and if you are a fan of action, there are some pretty kick ass action sequences as well.

Don't judge the movie by this picture *laughs*

My next netflix movies are going to be PS I Love You and The Man who Cried. I will let you know how they are.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

best caption evah


more cat pictures

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Awake at 1:30am, reading poetry...

When I Too Long Have Looked Upon Your Face

WHEN I too long have looked upon your face,
Wherein for me a brightness unobscured
Save by the mists of brightness has its place,
And terrible beauty not to be endured,
I turn away reluctant from your light,
And stand irresolute, a mind undone,
A silly, dazzled thing deprived of sight
From having looked too long upon the sun.
Then is my daily life a narrow room
In which a little while, uncertainly,
Surrounded by impenetrable gloom,
Among familiar things grown strange to me
Making my way, I pause, and feel, and hark,
Till I become accustomed to the dark.

Edna St. Vincent Millay