I love Canimal. I have loved her clothes since i was a wee newb. I have tons and tons of her older stuff. The other day I picked up here Streetwear shorts/mini and I freaking love it. It comes in 3 colors, but I wear the black.
The three outfits here include this skirt. The outfit to the left includes the hood jacket from *DP*YumYum (or Double Paradox). I freaking love this. This little store needs way more coverage. They have some great great stuff. Check out the makers picks...she has several locations.
I have to say, I have this love of tube socks. I always have really. Honestly though, the like of them became love when i would watch my exboyfriend and still bestest friend walk around in his plaid boxers, tube socks and combat boots. yum! So the tube socks come from Sh*t Happens. The hat/hair is something i picked up yesterday in the wee hours of the morning and I simply love it. It's called Divinci Load in licorice and its from Gritty Kitty. Last but oh so not least...the shoes. I saw these on a girl i know in passing and i demanded she tell me where she got them. They are Super Sneaks Platform Hi-Hi tops by MK Fashions. These make me tingle in places best not mentioned in a public forum. They are color change. So one pair is really like 8 or something. So freaking fantastic.
The middle outfit is so much fun i cant stand it. Periodically I get in the mood for bright colors and prints and whatnot. I am smack in the middle of one of those moods. The hair is from Kin. She rocks my socks. I have tons and tons of her hair. It is well made and inexpensive. This one is called Nyoko. I got it in white and colored parts of it red. I also got it in black.
The top and necklace are also from Canimal (see link above). She is definitely rocking my socks. I love the colors. The strawberry pants I got way before I even saw the top from Canimal. I went on a crazy shopping spree at Cotton Candy and got these at miw. (the link is for their bigger store. they are worth checking out.) They are called Juicy Strawberry Leggings and they come in 3 colors. They also come in pants or underpants layer for each color. that kicks ass. And then again there are the Hi-Hi Tops by MK Fashions (see above).
Canimal seems to be the main theme of this picture. The last outfit is helping cure my obsession with yellow. If not cure, at least sooth. The top is the Mmmm lemon! top from Canimal.
If you haven't seen these shoes by now, you havent been paying attention. They are everywhere. I am not immune. They are the amazing Chichi pumps by Maitreya. This is the second time i bought them in this color. The yellow is fantastic and the shoe itself... Let's just say i screamed like a little girl when I saw them. I went right out and bought them and crashed about 3 minutes later and lost them and the slinky stilettos i also bought in yellow at the same time. I was very sad and it was days before I went and bought them again. I am told i should have gone to the designer, but I am weird and shy sometimes, so I just bought them again. They are glorious as is just about everything for sale at Maitreya.
The hair is from a designer of hairs i am really starting to like. This is Missy by Truth. My friend and I went to his birthday party or something and that was my first look at his stuff. Great hair. Lots of clothes that arent my style really, but they look nicely made.
And before I shut the hell up, I realized I didnt mention the ring. This is also a Canimal item and i this its the best thing ever. It's a little frogs head. She has a bunch of different animals, but I loved the little frog.
Well that is all for now. This is a long ass post hahahah. Be well!
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