Friday, August 15, 2008

Songs about heat and lust...

The heat presses against me today. It makes me aware of my clothes and my body in ways I am generally not aware of. It makes my lips and fingertips sensitive. Eating a pretzel becomes an erotic experience. Everybody seems to be moving slower today. We are not used to the air being so heavy. I blame the heat, but I have been in a state for several days now. Breath slightly heavy, nipples hard, bottom lip clamped between teeth.

I can’t concentrate. I should be working, but all I can think about is the heat. I am listening to some music made by a band who’s singer is a guy I know, sort of.. ahahah. It’s really good stuff. Sins of Lust is the name of the band. It’s not really helping my state of mind however. It’s good music that I could see moving against another body to.

A breeze just came in through the window. It was cool and lovely and yet still felt like a caress. I am in a bad way. * laughs*

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